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Learning Therapeutic Storytelling
The Essentials at a Glance
Englische Übersetzung zu meinem Buch
"Therapeutisches Erzählen lernen
Das Wichtigste im Überblick"
Springer nature, Heidelberg
appr. 165 pages
Back cover text
The book provides a hypnosystemically grounded introduction to therapeutic storytelling in medicine, child therapy, adult psychotherapy, couples therapy, family therapy, social work, pastoral care, education, coaching, supervision, and related professional fields.
Contents include
PsychotherapeutInnen, PsychologInnen, HeilpraktikerInnen, SozialpädagogInnen, interessierte Betroffene, ÄrztInnen, SeelsorgerInnen.
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Mein Buch, "Hypnosystemische Therapie - Das Handbuch für die Praxis", befindet sich gerade in Übersetzung ins Englische.
Transforming Lives With Hypno-Systemic Therapy – A Practical Guide
This book provides a practise-based introductory guide for practitioners wishing to integrate hypnosystemic therapy into their services, examining its roots, principles, and methods.
Hypnosystemic therapy combines aspects of Ericksonian hypnosis, Systemic Therapy, and parts/constellation therapy into a creative awake hypnotherapy approach. This is then further consolidated in therapy or counselling. It is applied for overcoming psychological, medical, and social problems by use of conversational hypnosis mostly without trance induction. This text discusses how the intervention can be used in a variety of group and individual settings, in the treatment of diagnoses such as ADD/ADHD, allergies, hypertension, anxiety, phobias, sleeping disorders, addiction and eating disorders, and autism spectrum disorders. Chapters provide therapeutic tools in a straightforward, practical manner with examples.
Presenting therapeutic interventions in such a clear way that they can be integrated instantly into the therapeutic work of any school, this book is of particular interest to systemic therapists, behavioral therapists, and others who wish to integrate hypnotherapy knowledge into their work, but remains relevant to any mental health or allied professional.
Das Buch können Sie HIER im Online Shop bestellen.
Institut für Hypnosystemische Beratung | Stefan Hammel | Kieferberg 25 | 67659 Kaiserslautern